Tuesday, May 19, 2009

No More Anomynous

Hey Everyone,

I have chosen to remove anomynous as an option for people who want to leave comments.

I initially allowed that as an option so that people without open id accounts to participate and to foster conversation amongst us all, because even shy people have something to say.

However, I think that for the conversations that I want to have, if you identify yourself as anomynous, then I am concerned as to what your intentions might be. I established at the very beginning of this blog the parameters in which we can have constructive, open dialogue -- and that includes challenging me. However, given that I have made so much of an attempt to be open, at the minimum, I deserve the same to be reciprocated by letting me know who you are.

Last, I will put up a poll to see how you feel about it. Please don't be afraid to vote. Also, if there is another thing that I am not considering, or you flat out disagree, please let me know in the comments section.

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